Friday 17 November 2017

Smart Car Console - Final Design Feedback

- It is clear and well layed out.
- I do not like the purple, it is a bit dull.
- Maybe do mock ups of playlist/song covers.
- Keyboard seems too small, I have a touchscreen in my car and it is very fiddly and it has bigger letters than this.
- I think you should re-think the colours.
- All functions included are perfect, they're simple and you wouldn't want more as that may confuse.
- For the keyboard maybe have a voice search, it's really long and hard to type whilst driving.
- Good that it's simple and not distracting, as you need to focus in the car whilst driving.
- Good consistent design throughout.
- Simple, and easy to navigate.
- Nice consistent pictograms.
- Maybe have a siri mode.
- Colours look a bit similar to windows.
- Interface fits a car, as it's easy to use
- Maybe refine the colours
- I like the simplicity of the design and function.
- Colour scheme could be thought about more in relation to the audience.
- Really like the designs, they're simple and obvious, as well as easy to use.
- Size of the keyboard may be too small to type as driving, could be dangerous.
- I like they idea of separate colours and how they're connected to certain areas of interface.
- Colours may be slightly childish.

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