Tuesday 7 February 2017

OBJECT - Evaluation

I believe that the final outcome for this brief has been succesful it it’s communication of my intentions. The packaging reflects all the charactersitsics I aimed for in my rationale.The only set back I think is that, although the final outcome is clean and aesthtically pleasing it it’s design, it only weakly communicates the research I had done at the start of the brief. I could have refered to my research throughout my design process, and that possibly could have influenced even more ineteresting results.

The design decisons I’ve made throughout the project I feel were appropriate. The thoughtful and researched use of colour, in relation to the emotions, has especially aided my design process and gave me more confidence in the idea, as well as the production process. The design of the box packaging, I believe could have benefited with some more attention. The battery packaging design is a variation of the individual colours, along with white and black text, whereas the battery packaging is grey with only white text. I feel as if this slightly flaws the consistency of design, and is definitely an area for improvement. 

The idea behind the cut out slit to see inside the box packaging also could have been more considered. Because the project was focused mainly around colour, showing only a small slit of it within the design of the packaging feels lacking. During peer feedback, it was suggested that I had made the box packaging from acetate. I agree with this because that way, the battery packaging would be the centre of attention and the box packaging just another tool to showcase the uniqueness of the product. 

As well as recieving feedback, giving it has helped me to develop my own decision making process. It helped me to look at my work from a different perspective and to ask myself what I would suggest if this was someone else’s work. This mind set influenced only a few of the minor design decisons, however, I feel they were equally as important to the overall success of the final outcomes. 

Overall, I am happy with the outcome of this brief, and although there are areas for improvements and things I could have done differently, the end product still meets my initial intentions and makes for an interesting concept of design.

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