Saturday 12 November 2016

Module Evaluation

During this module, I have learnt a few new things that I believe have enhanced my skills as a designer. Even though I've worked with typography before, it has not been in such a evaluative and informative manner. This module challenged me to become a lot more analytical of all the design decisions I was making, and to consider what affect each of those will have not only on the way my design will look, but also how it will affect my audience. I thoroughly enjoyed this aspect of the module because I feel it has taught me how to focus myself more on why I was doing things, rather than on just getting them done. I know that this new skill will now stay with me throughout the rest of my studies and potentially throughout my future career. I feel confident in applying this mindset in all the modules to come. The simplicity of asking myself questions such as "Why?" and "How?" during my design process, has never been imbedded in me as significantly as it has been during this module.

More specifically about typography, I've also learnt valuable terminology that will surely aid me in my future design work. The ability to identify different features of a typeface or letterform now gives me an advantage when it comes to working with type in the future. Having such a skill and being able to apply it is not only advantageous in the sense that it allows easier communication when explaining design decisions and ideas, but it also allows me to create good impressions on others, as it demonstrates professionalism and knowledge. Not only that, but I've also started to appreciate typography more as whole. Never before have I paid as much attention towards the decision of what typeface is used within design as I do now. This will certainly make me pay more attention to my own typographic design decisions in the future, and now also having extended my knowledge about typography, use it more thoughtfully and hopefully effectively.

Another major skill I've learnt during this module was how to use Adobe Illustrator. It was a software I had never used before, and that being so had not known it's potential. Knowing now, even just the basics of the software, I already feel as if I am more open to broader possibilities of design. Illustrator allowed me throughout this module to turn my rough sketches and ideas into sleek finished designs. This has helped not only with clearer communication of each of my intentions for the briefs, but also has showed me that no idea I could have is too far reached, as long as I am motivated to learn the process of making it happen. Because Illustrator is such a universally useful tool for a range of design work, I know that I will definitely continue using Illustrator throughout my time on the course, as well as throughout my career.

Overall, I am very pleased with the progress I have made during this module and the new skills I have learnt. I will continue to apply these skills as well as be open to learning new ones, so I can constantly improve myself, as well as the professional practice and career I one day hope to maintain.

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