Friday 9 February 2018

505 SB1 - Micro-genres: Initials Ideas & Feedback

Initial Ideas:
- An alphabet/language to communicate song lyrics? emojis/icons?
- A series of collages/moodboards to show the attitude/style of the Lithuanian hip hop culture.
- Beat without lyrics, accompanied by only illustrations/imagery.
- Beat without lyrics, acoompanied by an installation.
- Create a flag to represent the freedom of Lithuanian hip hop.
- Focus on graffiti? Work with spray can designs. Three colours - yellow, green, red.
- Work with the political side of Lithuanian hip hop, standing up to government? Having a voice.

- Maybe research into rage against the machine - they had similar protest/anti-politics.
- Focus on the impact on society? The political idea.
- Possibly look  into creating a universal language for what you want to communicate - it can be understood visually even if it can't be understood through the lyrics.
- How could you create a score/universal language of how to communicate those words/messages of the songs to non-Lithuanian speakers. Is translating them enough?
- Maybe raise awareness/promote the hip hop/genre in Lithuania.
- I like the graffiti angle, how does it link to the hip hop scene? How could it be used to communicate Lithuanian hip hop universally, without the music/lyrics.
- Figure out and focus in on what message you want to say is.

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