Saturday 10 February 2018

503 Collaboration with Nanyang Students - 'Ocean Heroes' Presentation and Feedback

- It's clear you designed with children in mind.
- It's good you presented facts up front, then presented a solution. There's a logic to the presentation.
- It's good you presented not just the designs, but the process.
- Tangible and simple way to get kids engaged.
- Maybe you could link the campaign with charities/local businesses/city council as sponsors, rather than having a fee to pay.
- When the collect litter, can they collect points? Have some sort of account/membership? So they could see the progress and impact they are making.
- Could the campaign/organisation materials be bought? Like an educational package. So schools, for example, could purchase all the materials needed and organise their own days out.
- The presentation/project ticks all the boxes, the level of detail is very good.
- As a pitch it's great, and complete.
- You didn't design for designers, you designed for your audience. This is something that is usally the hardest thing to do.
- How could this tie into the national curriculum?
- The social media is appropriate, it adds to the project rather than just tagging along to 'tick the box'.
- This could easily develop and grow into other areas. Eg. 'Rainforest Heroes', 'Park Heroes', 'Mountain Heroes' etc.

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