Tuesday 5 March 2019

MassArt and LAU External Collaborative Brief - Brief & Initial Research


Collaboration between Leeds Arts University and Massachusetts College of Art and Design. 

Myself (Migle Saveikyte)
Becca Jones
Tony Pham
Katie Burke
Alex Brown

'The City as Narrative'
Assignment: There are many qualities which characterize a city like Leeds, and every city area has its own unique personality often influenced by it's residents and businesses. Observing a city area from a vantage point of your choice, you will be tasked with both constructing and creating a narrative, and delivering this narrative in visual form(s) that best present the unique personality of your city area.

- Pick one subject/theme to tell a story. It could be a building/object/culture/area.
- The outcome could be a zine, publication, moving image, 3D, print, website, social media etc.
- The outcome should have a strong narrative theme and contextual richness.
- Look at: motifs, symbols, visual clues, mapping, speculation, lost things, stories.

Suggestions for places to visit:
Canal Walk by The Calls
Corner Exchange
Leeds Central Library 2nd Floor Map Room
Sky Lounge
Leeds Market
Royal Armouries
Water Taxi

Websites to look at:
www.leodis.net (old photos of work)

Initial Research

We began our project by first going out and exploring the city of Leeds. We did this not only so that the MassArt students could get to know the city a bit better, but also so that we could find inspiration and ideas for the project. Although us Leeds Arts University students had already seen all the places we visited, it was still a new experience for us too, because we went out to the city with our eyes set to a more creative setting, looking for inspiration. As we walked around the city, we found patterns, forms and structures we had not noticed or paid attention to before. We as of yet did not have an idea what our project will be about, so we walked around and tried to find simply creative and beautiful things to document so that we could look back on those later.







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