Wednesday 6 March 2019

MassArt and LAU External Collaborative Brief - Initial Ideas & Further Research

Initial Ideas:
- Owls
- Leeds Architecture
- The water taxi
- Fabric manufacturing
- First ever film shot in Leeds
- Brutalist buildings
- Ghost stories/haunted places
- The people of Leeds

After our research day of exploring Leeds, we had a few ideas (above) of what we wanted to base our project around. The idea that we decided to go with was 'Ghost stories/haunted places'. We choose this idea because it was a topic that we all found quite fascinating, but had never done a project surrounding it before. We felt that the theme would be a little out of all our comfort zones, but we wanted to challenge ourselves and do something different. 

During our research day out, we had heard somewhere that the Leeds Central Library was haunted. We decided to investigate that and possibly base our project around the Library. We found some stories online about the Library, and that indeed it was haunted, so we took another trip out this time with a more focused goal, to visit the Library. 


At the library we spoke to the librarians, who showed us a newspaper clipping that told the story of a girl who was murdered in a courtyard on which the Library now stands. We thought that this was very intriguing, and as we walked around the library ourselves we felt a quite creepy and dark atmosphere/vibe.

We took various photographs trying to document the atmosphere of the Library. We focused on the darker/more mysterious corners, old books, statues and patterns. We wanted to collate as much visual material as possible so that we could use it as reference later on in the project.

To enhance the photographs we had taken, and to bring out even more the creepy atmosphere we were capturing, we decided to edit some of the photos we had taken and make them black and white. This made the architectural and interior features within the photos stand out, and makes the viewer notice the darker corners and uneasy/discomforting looking books/statues stand out even more. The added grain effect also gives the photographs a sense of wear and oldness, which adds to the atmosphere of the photos also a sense of mystery and confusion. 

To capture the creepy/dark atmosphere of the Leeds Central Library even better, we decided to take some photos using disposable cameras. The effect that disposable cameras create is one of withered/oldness, because the photos print with slight imperfections, grain and some times even light bleeds. We thought this will be a nice addition to our collection of photographs, as the disposable camera effects will fit in well with out haunted/ghost theme.

Initial Ideas:

After our trip to Leeds Central Library we decided to discuss how we could collect our found stories about it being haunted, and all the images/photos we had collected, into a project/outcome.

We decided that the best way to do this was a publication. This was because we had gathered quite a lot of content, so to be able to present it all we thought we should give ourselves a format that could grow and be added to as needed. Also, because we knew we wanted to tell two ghost stories we had found, a publication would be the most accessible and easiest to read format for the audience.

At this point we created a brainstorm, of how we could bring together all our research and how we could present it. We started thinking about the publication format, colours, type and how we could manipulate the photography we collected.

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