Friday 12 April 2019

'Tall Agency' Year in Review Magazine Live Brief - Final Outcome & Evaluation

Final Outcome
The final outcome is a magazine that showcases the key clients and events of 'Tall Agency' over the past year. The concept for the design of this magazine was to communicate the personality of each client and event, as well as to clearly demonstrate that the magazine is a product of 'Tall Agency'. The copy and imagery throughout the magazine was provided by the agency. Within this outcome, the layout, name and front cover design was developed. The magazine is A4 in format, printed in a standard paper stock, and bound with staples. This was done to allow the magazine to be cheaply re-produced in large quantities. The typefaces used throughout the magazine are 'Gotham Black' for titles, 'Gotham Rounded Medium' for sub-titles and 'Gotham Rounded Book' for main copy. These typefaces were used as they are part of 'Tall Agency' branding guidelines, and therefore support the concept by demonstrating that the magazine is a product of 'Tall'. The use of the colours black and white together, where appropriate, also aid this concept. Other various colours used throughout the magazine reflect and support the individual content of each page or spread. This also supports the concept as it allows for the personality of each client and event to be highlighted through colour. Layout design throughout the magazine is inspired by individual content and imagery within each page or spread. The layout designs also reinforce the concept, by highlighting the content and personality of each client and event, as well as promoting 'Tall Agency' by showing their work. The name 'Forward' was inspired by an unofficial 'Tall' slogan 'We are prepared to go anywhere, provided it be forward', and symbolises the idea that although the magazine showcases past clients and events, the agency is looking forward to working again with those clients and potential new clients in the future. The front cover design utilises 'Tall Agency' brand graphics. The chosen graphics were composed in a way that are visually reminiscent of coding and digital noise. This reinforces the concept by clearly demonstrating to the audience from the moment they lay eyes on it, that the magazine is a product of digital design agency 'Tall'.

The brief asked to design a magazine that showcased the key clients and events of 'Tall Agency' over the past year. The target audience for this were current clients and potential clients of the agency. The publication had to be professional, but also playful  and with personality. I believe the final outcome has been successful because it is engaging for both categories of the target audience, and its tone is both professional and playful where appropriate. The name 'Forward' given to the magazine especially makes it intriguing for the target audience, as both the current clients are invited to reflect and think about working together again, and potential clients are invited to look forward to working with 'Tall' on the future. The magazine also promotes the 'Gravity' workshop service throughout the magazine, which makes it more likely that current clients will want to try it out, and that potential clients will approach 'Tall' for this service. The way layout and colour has been used throughout the magazine I believe creates an atmosphere of both professionalism and personality. Depending on the client or event that is being communicated, each page or spread uses layout and colour either more focused to create a more serious and professional tone, or more experimental to create a playful tone. The spread 'Driven by Innovation', for example, has a sleek and minimal use of colour and layout, as it is presenting work done for a technically driven and serious company. Whereas the spread 'Tall 80's Xmas' has a vibrant and almost chaotic use of colour and layout, as it is presenting the fun concept 'Tall agency' created for their Christmas cards. To improve the outcome, I believe the production of the magazine could have been improved. The outcome is printed on standard paper stock and is bound with staples. Although this is cost-effective and appropriate for mass-production, I believe it takes away from the quality of the content. If the magazine was printed on higher quality paper stock and bound in a less-conspicuous way, the content of the magazine would become more eye-catching and possibly received as more impressive by the audience. Nonetheless, I believe the outcome for this brief has been successful, as not only does it meet the aims and appeal to the target audience, but it also creates for 'Tall Agency' a new and yet unexplored format within which they can promote themselves and celebrate their work.

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