Monday 8 April 2019

Time-management 08/04/19

Last week I went on my placement to 'Tall' Agency, during that time I did not do much towards my 603 module, apart from some research into my 'Lithuanian History/Folklore' brief. This week I am back on track and will continue to put my focus on this research brief, and try to complete some copy writing as well as initial ideas. I have in total now completed 10 briefs, out of which I am going to submit only 7 however, with this research brief and another self-directed brief I am planning on doing I will have 9 in total for submission. 10 briefs was the suggested/desired amount of briefs, however, I would rather now put my time and energy into making these last two briefs well developed and successful rather than throw another brief into the mix and then rush through them. I am very happy with the 7briefs I have done so far that I want to submit, and believe that in the end 9 briefs in total will also showcase my skill/style of design and will hopefully still get me a good grade. I have now also began to take my blogging more seriously, and plan on completing all the blogs I am behind on during the Easter break. I have already fully completed the 'Walker Morris' brief blogging, and seeing green on my time-plan makes me feel more motivated and confident in my time-management. Of course I am still slightly worried about managing my time, as I will be doing another placement next week at 'Oslo' agency. Hopefully during that week I will be able to get some work completed unlike during ym last placement where my uni work was put on hold. However, I do not regret doing the placement whatsoever as I gained industry experience and learnt so much during the week. Moving forward I am feeling equal parts happy and stressed with my progress, but also know for a fact that I will be able to complete all work on time and submit a strong group of work for this module.

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