Monday 30 January 2017

OBJECT - Design Development

Following crit feedback, I started to develop my battery packaging idea. I choose to focus significantly on colour within my design. I did this because during my initial research, I had found that most battery packagings are boring and unexciting, and that most people do not care about the brand of batteries they posses. The purpose, therefore, of my project was to create battery packaging that would be intriguing and exciting for the audience, something that would be a pleasing purchase for them and stay memorable.

When looking at the colours I was to use within my designs, I wanted the colour to correspond with the emotion. For this I researched into colour theory. The book 'If It's Purple, Someone's Gonna Die' by Patti Bellantoni lists various psychological associations of colour. She states "warm reds tend to sensual and lusty, or romantic" therefore, for the emotion of 'Love' I've decided on a soft gradient of pink and white. White because it is generally associated wit purity and good, much like the traditional idea of love. Yellow is "associated with happiness", and orange is "nice" and "warm", so I've used a gradient mix of yellow and orange for the emotion of 'Happiness'. For the emotion of 'Motivation', I've used a gradient mix of purple as it "can represent dreams", and blue because it is "associated with intellect". Blue-green/teal "inspired openness and interaction", and green "symbolises nature, life and health", so I've used a gradient mix of teal and green for the emotion of 'Hope'.

The design of the box is grey, so the design of the batteries packaging could be showed off more. Also, if the packaging was just as colourful as the batteries, the design concept as whole would become too gimmicky and wouldn't be taken seriously by the audience. The use of white text creates a relation between the battery packaging and the box packaging. The lack of black text on the box packaging, although it is present on the battery packaging, slightly flaws the consistency of design. The thick white line on the top of the front of the packaging is designed to be cut through, this is so the audience could see inside the packaging and get a glimpse of the battery packaging. The different colours of each different 'emotion' battery will be distinct through the gap, and would engage the audience/draw their attention.

Following my crit feedback, I'd made the decision that I want my batteries to be sold as standard. This is so the purpose for the product could be more easily met; the audience may not want to buy 'emotional' batteries if they are simply a gimmick, however, if they are legitimate and appropriate for standard home use, it might make them more likely to be drawn to the purchase. The production and distribution of the batteries would be standard as any other, in shops and supermarkets.

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