Monday 9 January 2017

WAYFINDING - Rationale

Idea: To create a way finding system for the different vantage points of Leeds (focusing on the highest and most visually pleasing points of Leeds)

Designers/Artists of reference:
The Situationists

The wayfinding system will address objective qualities within graphic design. This is because the audience the system will be created for is very broad, and so will require a design approach that would be visually acceptable and appropriate for everyone. The system will be created for the city of Leeds, and seeing as locations from a geographic perspective are objective, the way finding system will need to reflect that and also be objective.

Visual language/Cultural references:
Geography and Maps
Ordinance Survey

Client Needs/Requirements:
- Be clear and easy to follow.
- Be easily recognisable and consistent in its communication.
- Have a narrative, and relate to the systems locations.
- Have a consistent typeface. Helevetica, as it is neutral, as well as easy to read and understand.
- Have distinctive colour, either different ones for each route, or one throughout the whole system.

Geographic - people living in Leeds who wish to re-discover their city, or visitors/tourists of Leeds
Demographic - all ages. Families, couples, groups of friends, etc.
Psychographic - anyone interested in seeing Leeds from a new perspective, or who enjoy an aesthetically pleasing skyline/view. Also, anyone seeking a interesting and productive day out, with a sense of accomplishment in the end (when they finish the trial and reach the locations).

Design Proposals:
- Supergraphics will allow the system to run large distances as well as be clear and recognisable.
- Possible colour coding will allow easy distinction between different routes and locations.
- Geographic/ Map language will provide the audience with an idea of scale and distance to ease their journey from one location to another.
- Possible different textures and patterns will relate the system to the locations and further aid the audiences recognition and differentiation of them.

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