Tuesday 20 March 2018

505 SB2 - PRD: Design Final Outcomes

The design final outcomes all follow a set visual language, to make the campaign cohesive and memorable. The name of the campaign is 'Orange is the new Green', this is a play on words that encapsulates the idea of orange being the main colour used for this 'green' environmental campaign. The orange colour was derived from the palm oil fruit, and the green from the 'Greenpeace logo. The illustrations used within all promotional material demonstrate the form in which the campaign will be carried out, using 'orange strips' to label the products that use sustainable palm oil. The typeface 'Futura' was chosen because of its boldness, modernity and legibility. The date for the week of the campaign was chosen to be from the 4th to the 10th of June, because this is the week that contains the World Environment Day, which is the 5th of June. The campaign is theoretically sponsored/organised by 'Greenpeace, their logo is used throughout the promotional material to make the campaign more trustworthy and reliable to the audience. The layout within all designs is centrally aligned, this was done so that there was a clear and easy to understand information hierarchy. The label designs were created both vertically and horizontally, to accommodate the large number of different shapes and forms different products have.

Final Poster Design:

Final Billboard Design:

Final Website Designs:

Final Label Designs:

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