Monday 19 March 2018

505 SB2 - PRD: Label design Mock Ups/ Experiments

Having designed all the promotional material and product labels, last thing I needed to do was test them, to make sure they would work in a real-life setting.

The vertical labels proved to be the right scale and size, as applied to two very different products that have two drastically different shapes it was still clearly legible and easy to read.


The horizontal labels, however, turned out to be a lot too large. The information on the label was lost due to nature of the slimmer products that require horizontal labels, as the label wrapped around the information was spaced so much that it distributed around the product. This meant that the audience would not be able to absorb the information at a glance, in fact they would have to physically pick up and turn the product in order to get all the information. This was something that needed to be addressed.



To fix the legibility issue of the labels, I went back and resized the information on the horizontal labels, and made them the same layout as the vertical labels.

This proved effective, as the horizontal label was now able to accommodate more multiples of the same information, meaning there would be a bigger chance that the information was legible and clear on any matter of slim product shapes.
This proved to be right, as further product mock-ups, now with the new horizontal label design show how the information is far more legible, from any angle of the product, meaning it would be more easy for the audience to glance and absorb the information.



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