Friday 10 March 2017

Studio Brief 2: Dr. ME Workshop

The workshop was based around collage. We were given a word and told to create a 10 frame gif using found materials, that would communicate our word in some form or another.
The word we received was 'Bacon'.
At first our ideas were quite complex, planning to present the process that a pig goes through to reach the plate of a consumer, and the violence and inhumanity of it. However, due to time constraints we had to simplify our idea. We ended up creating 10 frames that communicated the pig's death through a rotation from it's legs to it's back, and an increase in the colour red to symbolise blood on it's body. The background we collaged were scenic and green imagery, this was to symbolise how the pig's are threatened even in what seems like their comfort and peaceful settings.

The workshop helped me to explore more abstract interpretations of an idea, and helped me to think about them in more simplistic ways; how to communicate a complex message but with fewer visual elements. I found this to be quite refreshing and intriguing. I got to focus on the process of creation without feeling the stress of making it flawless and complex. I will definitely take this mindset with me into my exploration of the Leeds Places brief, as not only does the method of screen-printing also have unavoidable imperfections, but also I can look at my ideas from a different perspective and consider how I can communicate it in the simplest yet most impactful way.

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