Wednesday 22 March 2017

Studio Brief 3: Initial Ideas

Our identity idea was to focus on the 'halftone' process of screen-printing, where artwork has to be digitally halftoned in order to create the screen-printing positives, and therefore allow the ink to flood through the screen. The name 'Halftone' was chosen for it's simplicity and direct representation of our identity.

We explored the use of logotype as well as a logo. We wanted to represent the aspect of 'halftone' within our logo/logotype, so we looked into creating the letter 'O' into a halftone. We decided to make the branding of the exhibition dominantly black and white, so to not distract from the artwork within the exhibition. We also decided upon the typeface Helvetica, as it was originally designed to be specifically without impression or have any inherit meaning, which was appropriate to our ideas of keeping the branding neutral and not attention stealing from the exhibition artwork.

We all then went on to apply our chosen identity and initial logotype designs to some branding content. The outcomes were all very different as we all applied our personal different styles to them, however, this gave us many directions to chose from and laid down solid foundations for the development of our project. Some of the ideas are explained and my personal contributions to this design stage are captioned as such.

Poster Ideas:


This idea looked at using the patterns from the architecture of
Leeds Central Library, as well as the logo and logotype.

This idea focused on showcasing the artwork, with the exhibition information placed around it.

The idea behind this poster was to turn students artwork into 'halftone', so to create and unbiqitous but intriguing design. 

My Poster Idea - Exploring adding colour into our branding, or possibly showcasing people prints through a 'transparent' element of the logotype.

My Poster Idea - The focus would be on the artwork, with the rest of the
 information clear but not intervening.

Invitation/Flyer Ideas:

My Invitation Idea - The invitation was to open up from the middle to reveal the information,
and until so it would have been kept closed with a sticker of our logo.
Beer Mat Ideas:

We had considered beer mats in order to reach a younger target audience, as many young people visit bars and pubs so would come across them, as well as often picking them up to take home and use.

This idea was to also focus on the artwork and to promote it simply
alongside the logotype.

This idea was to utilise the beermat as also a flyer, and it would contain
all the information of the exhibition.

Wayfinding/ Signage Ideas:

We had considered for the logo to be incorporated into the way finding, with the use of numbers to lead the public, or to simply use the plain logo with the idea that the clear/empty side of the circle would show the direction to walk in.


Curation Ideas:

This idea was to create a rating system using black dots, to go with the theme of halftone,
as well as allow the public to interact with the exhibition and give their opinions.

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