Thursday 20 April 2017

Studio Brief 2: Final Print, Feedback & Evaluation


Do you think I've met my aim? Why/why not?
- Yes it looks good, the little elements from each artist work really well.
- Good colours - pop punk/retro effect.
- Really clear in the use of texture and image, choice of two colours makes it noticeable that the objects are important.
- The use of denim and the bright pink works well represent the 1980s era.
- Well known symbols show the nostalgia aspect.
- The use of pink works well with the style.

Do you think the colours are appropriate to communicate 1980's? Why/why not?
- Yes, because the colour isn't filled full which helps to create an 'old' effect.
- The pink works well, nice and bright against the other colours.
- Really effective, the colours bounce off each other.
- Yes because the blue isn't too light so the white writing stands out.
- Bright colours contrast and I associate the 1980s with bright colours, so this works well

Does the design communicate my event? Does it feel celebratory? Why/Why not?
- Yes, but maybe you could put more objects from the past into your poster.
- Yes, good idea having the objects to represent the artists.
- Feels celebratory because it feels nostalgic
- Yes, through bright colour choices and imagery
- Bright pink makes it celebratory
- Yes because it is bright and eye-catching

Any improvements to suggest?
- A third colour would have made the design have more depth and polish
- The text being a different colour would work well.
- Reprinting could fix alignment issue.

The final outcome for this brief, although not perfect, was successful. The imagery of the design was derived from photography, and although it has gone through a process of digital manipulation and traditional screen printing, it has still stayed visually realistic. This gave the design a more raw and natural atmosphere, which in turn partly met the aim of creating a sense of nostalgia. Feedback revealed, that the use of objects to represent each artist "works really well" and also that the "well known symbols show the nostalgia aspect". The information communicated through both the imagery and the text gives the audience all they need to be able to identify the event. The aim of celebration was also met, through the use of "bright colour choices and imagery", as feedback confirmed. Also, the design "feels celebratory because it feels nostalgic".The typeface choice of Helvetica Bold gives the text neutrality, allowing the audience to focus on the imagery. The use of all capitals, however, brings attention to the text and it's content, highlighting the events importance and grandeur. The colours highlight all the elements within the design, and "makes it noticeable that the objects are important". The overall design has been successful as it communicates the message of Roundhay Park concerts in the 1980's quite clearly, and does so in a way that plays tribute to the 1980's, but it also modern. The execution of the screen printing process, however, is more flawed. The second layer of colour registers slightly off the intended area. This is something that is inevitable in traditional media printing, and is something that I believe makes the process as well as the outcome more interesting and unique. Another area for improvement would be quantity of colours, as feedback suggested that "a third colour would have made the design have more depth and polish". Conclusively, the final outcome has met the requirements of the brief as it is celebratory in its use of colour and symbolism, its production used traditional media of screen-printing, and the event took place in Leeds and is significant as it was were concerts used to happen "before the arena" was build in 2013. Overall, the final outcome is visually impactful and intriguing, as well as appropriate for  display at a public exhibition.

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