Tuesday 9 May 2017

Studio Brief 3: Final Presentation, Feedback & Evaluation


- Concept and name is very interesting.
- Maybe have the posters screen-printed as the strong digital design distracts from the print.
- On the Facebook event page, have it as HALF TONE instead of HALFTONE, as the logotype of branding reads as two words. 
- The interactive elements are the strongest parts. Projector and the audience interaction with Instagram. The Instagram would make the audience more interested to attend.
- The idea of a 'selfie space' is very modern and appropriate to the audience.
- Photo Booth = innovative
- The designs/idea may need stripping back, as there are too many ideas which make the branding slightly complex.
- The catalogue is too costly, as there is only a few prints per page.
- The hints of prints featured on Instagram is very effective.
- Overall the branding is clever and innovative but needs simplifying.
- Strong artist research
- Social media, specifically Instagram works really well due to effective use of the Instagram layout.
- Instagram layout is clever in making the countdown more interesting by showing hints of peoples work first, and the number after. 
- Concept of acetate and the projector is good, but only if people are not too afraid to use it.
- Shows the print element really well, but the link to Leeds public spaces is isn't as strong
- You could have experimented with removing dots from the Instgaram posts to make the numbers, instead of just placing them on top of the print.
- Projector idea is the most interesting.
- Could have had dots counting down the exhibition, like motorway signs counting distances.
- Could have used the dots on the ceiling of Room 700 within your designs.
- Catalogue needs stripping back as it's very costly.
- The strongest part is the innovative nature of the designs.
- The invite should be built on/developed to hint at the selfie/projector element within the exhibition, so it would make the people more intrigued to come. 


The Group 7 exhibition branding for this project, although not chosen, still was successful due to its strong ideas and design. The feedback received during the final presentation was that the "concept and name is very interesting", and that "the strongest part is the innovative nature of the designs".
Social Media received a lot of positive feedback. The projector installation and Instagram were seen "as the strongest parts" due to their interactive element. The projector idea creates a "selfie space" which is "very modern and appropriate to the audience", as the present day social media culture makes 'seflie' photo sharing very popular. One of the features of Instagram was audience interaction, where the audience were able to submit photos of their important and significant places, to which we would apply our signature halftone process and re-post. This would have made the exhibition feel more personal to the audience, and possibly make them "more interested to attend". The countdown element of social media design, which utilises Instagrams slideshow feature, was also successful as it was deemed as an "effective use of Instagram layout" and said to be "clever in making the countdown more interesting by showing hints of peoples work first". A suggestion for improvement for the social media was to extend the use of dots within our identity by experimenting with "removing dots from the Instagram posts to make the numbers, instead of just placing them on top of the print". Other comments for improvement made were that the "catalogue needs stripping back as its very costly" and that there are "too many ideas which make the branding slightly complex". This was something that had been a problem throughout the project, as working within a group of people who all have different preferences and styles, makes creating cohesive branding outcomes difficult. The brief requirements were for the branding identity to communicate public spaces, print and celebration. The celebration aspect of the exhibition was communicated through use of colour, and by making the foundation of our branding identity be the focus on the prints and artwork of the exhibition. The use of the halftone process made a strong link to print, and feedback revealed that we succeeded in communicating the "print element really well, but the link to Leeds public spaces is isn't as strong". The map idea we had in our developments addressed this issue, but due to the restriction of the space in Room 700 at Leeds Central Library, we had to discard it, which is what lead to a lack of  communication of public spaces in our identity. However, overall the final outcomes and branding of the project were said to be "clever and innovative". Through teamwork and at times compromise, the final Group 7 exhibition branding, although not directly meeting all the brief requirements, was able to create a strong concept and successful final outcomes that communicated exactly their intentions, and were visually interesting and impactful.

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