Sunday 14 May 2017

Studio Brief 4: Initial Design Development

Following feedback, for the design of the cardboard label, I had decided to look into combining the two different design approaches I had looked at previously.

First I looked into combining the bright and bold colour palette of the cheap label designs, with the typography and layout treatment of the clean designs (Fig.1). I found this to be quite successful, as the previous issue of the clean design approach was that they were too boring, however, when combined with the colour palette of the cheap designs, they seems to become a lot more exciting and striking.

Fig.2 shows the opposite, combining cheap design approach typography with the clean design approach colour palette and layout. This I didn't think was as successful, as the combination of the two design approaches felt too forced and the results were less than satisfying. The content seemed to be restricted within the colour palette and layout, and lost the sense of attention and excitement that it possessed within the initial designs. It was clear that combining the clean design approach towards typography and layout, with the cheap design approach's use of colour was the most suit choice, and that it had the most potential to create interesting visuals.

Fig.3 is a quick exploration of the front, as well as the back side of the cardboard packaging, and shows initial considerations of what typical packaging information can be included. For example: bar code, warning labels etc.



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