Monday 15 May 2017

Module Evaluation

I believe I had learned and achieved quite a lot throughout this module. Design principles has taught me things that I had not know or paid attention to before hand. For example, the use of grid and layout. Before this module I knew that grids were used in design, but somehow it was so obvious to me that I had never intensely applied it to my own design. However, after exploring using grids throughout the studio briefs, I had learned that using grids can completely change the outcome of design. I feel this is evident in my colour booklet, and how the first version was disappointing, but the second version, which paid much closer attention to grids, layout and all the other design principles, has turned out far more successful. Learning about grids and layout has completely changed not only the way I personally design, but also how I see other design. What I enjoyed this module was not only learning how to use the grid, but also how to break. In my penguin book cover design, I broke 'The Marber Grid' by flipping it. I found this quite exciting as it felt as if I was breaking 'graphic design rules' however, I believe it also achieved very interesting and unique results. I enjoyed the fact that by doing something in a sense destructive to the design, you are able to create something new and fresh. Another thing that I enjoyed and have learned a lot about is the use of colour. My initial designs throughout the project didn't pay much attention to the use of colour, and how it affected the communication of my designs. However, after going back on those designs with more knowledge about colour, I was able to see the mistakes I had been making and develop my designs to be more considerate of colour combinations and the appropriateness of colour used in different design settings. Another thing I have learned to pay a lot more attention and consideration to is format and stock. In my booklet design, the format of the first design was boring and expected, and the stock was ordinary. When wanting to improve the impact fulness of my booklet, I had thought a lot more closely to the format and stock I was to use, and came up with a completely square format of 150 x 150 mm and an acetate cover for the booklet. I believe these two elements have contributed hugely to the success of my booklet and have really pushed me to think more about the format and materials of all design outcomes I was to produce. What I struggled with the most throughout the project was applying design principles I learned within my design, my early outcomes for the studio briefs I believe show and understanding of design principles, however they lack in using them in an effective and impactful manner. Later developments of those outcomes I believe showcase a lot better what I had learned and apply them in a much more appropriate and successful manner, however I believe that there still are improvements to be made and skills to be learned. The fundamental design principles of design I feel are things that are incorporated differently by each designer, and how they apply them, and whether it is successful or not, is subjective. That is why, although I am happy with the outcomes for this project, I believe they are successful only to an extent, because although I'm proud of what I have done, I know that I could have utilised and applied the knowledge learned a lot more skilfully and have produced far more impactful final outcomes. Overall, however, I have enjoyed the module thoroughly and believe it has significantly effected the way I have worked not in just this module, but other modules also.

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