Thursday 18 May 2017

Studio Brief 4: Final Outcome, Feedback & Evaluation


The final outcome is a pound shop product style package that sells 'Graphic Design Stress Toys'. The objects it contains are: a bouncy ball, a splash ball, a yoyo, a mini slinky, a party popper, a bull dog clip, post-it notes, elastic bands, a ball of blue tac and a colouring sheet. The aim of the objects was for the audience to be able to play and fiddle with them during stressful situations. Some of the objects were chosen for their entertaining factor, and others for their relevance to the course. The label design was created with the aim of juxtaposing cheap product design with clean minimalistic design. Cheap product design was communicated through the use of the 'Humanoid' typeface within the title, and the reflective metallic stock the label was printed on. Clean minimalistic design was communicated through the use of 'Helvetica Light' as the body text, and the simplistic layout of the labels information. The reflective stock also in a way communicates both design approaches, as it has the eye catching and attention grabbing nature that cheap pound shop packaging also has, but does so in a more sleek and clean manner.

The idea was to create a toy package in the style of pound shop products, but also make it clean and sleek. Therefore, it was purposefully made to seem partly cheap and ugly, but also quite visually striking. The objects/toys are all aimed to be played or fiddled with, in the hopes of de-stressing. The comment I am making about my experience on the first year is that it is very stressful, and that you need to find many different methods of de-stressing. The content of my outcome is relevant to Level 4 students because not only does it contain small fun items they can keep as Freshers memorabilia, but also they contain some materials that will become useful them within their studies. The chosen pound shop packaging format I believe is appropriate because it showcases the student financial limitations, as well as adding as sense of humour and entertainment to the outcome. The LCA resource that is showcased within my work is the screen-printing room, where my label design was produced. The label shows how the traditional print process allows to be more experimental and explore different materials, such as reflective metallic sheets.


- The outcome definitely serves its purpose as it's fun to play with.
- Well designed for the theme purpose.
- Original and cool idea
- The reflective stuff feels cringe, but its also what makes it really nice to look at
- Maybe you could have included even more graphic design related objects. eg. ruler, pen drive, small paper stock book etc.
- Using the pixelated type gives the design the 'poundshop' look, which is really good as that's what you aimed for.
- You could have included paper clips as they're fun to play with.
- The colouring sheet is really interesting and fits well with your branding.
- I think all the objects are well chosen, they're appropriate and seem fun to play with.
- I would have liked to get that at the start of the year, as it actually has useful stuff in there and looks fun to play with.
- You could have had better instructions, like how to use each object or when to use it. eg. Deadline days.


The final outcome for this project I believe has been successful, as it communicates and serves the purpose of what it was intended to. The idea was to create a package that would provide the students with objects that could help them to de-stress, feedback revealed that this was an "original and cool idea" and that "the outcome definitely serves its purpose and is fun to play with". The package was intended to communicate a style of pound shop product packaging, and feedback confirmed that it was "well designed for its theme". It was also mentioned how "the pixelated type gives the 'poundshop' look", showing how the detail paid to typography has helped to communicate my intentions. The de-stressing purpose of the package was also met, as feedback stated that "all the objects are well chosen" and are "fun to play with". The target audience of Graphic Design Level 4 freshers was also considered when choosing the content that would go into the package, as there are certain objects that from my personal experience I didn't realise that I would need. Feedback agreed as someone "would have liked to get [the package] at the start of the year, as it actually has useful stuff in there". Another successful design element was the use of reflective metallic sheets for the label design, as not only was the design meant to be in the style of pound shop packaging, but also clean and sleek. This was confirmed during feedback as someone said that "the reflective stuff feels cringe, but its also what makes it really nice to look at". Improvements for suggestion were that "even more graphic design related objects" were included, and that the instructions "could have been better". There were many limitations for what objects to include within the package, as I wanted to keep the production costs down, however, more graphic design orientated objects would have made the overall package more relevant to the target audience. The instructions on the label design were purposefully minimal and vague, to encourage the audience to figure out how they would want to use the objects. Nonetheless, I agree that these instructions could have been clearer and the freedom of will more acknowledged. Overall, I believe that the final outcome for this brief, although not perfect in communicating its purpose, has a strong concept and production, and has interesting and visually impactful elements.

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