Monday 9 October 2017

'Lloyds No.1 Bar' Target Audience Research

In the brief handed to me by Danielle Wright, the target audience is stated as "people who are new to going out to bars and pubs" and "people who are wanting to find out more about Lloyds Bar", as well as "aged 18 and above".

The competition for the publication is stated as Leedslist (online blog) and Independent Leeds (publication).


A website that contains information about all the things happening in Leeds, with a variety of topics. This makes the website appeal to a large target audience, both in demographic and psychographic means, as there is information about many events to suit various interests. The design of the website is quite minimalist and stylish, with simple and clear navigation. This was done to again appeal to a large target audience. The website is competition for the publication I am to design not only because it holds information about many bars not just the one, but also as it mentions Lloyds no.1 Bar and provides promotional materials for it's cheap drinks. However, it is named as 'The Hedley Variety' within the article, doesn't promote any of it's other features, and the information is only web/screen based. What I will be designing will be competition for Leedslist firstly because it is a publication, something that the audience can pick up and flick through. This makes them more likely to read the publication as they are not distracted by other content and links that a website has. Also, the publication will include more in-depth information about the bar, more so than the website can provide. And lastly, the publication will make the name 'Lloyd's No.1 Bar' more well-known and used, appealing to their target audience more, as young people and students may not be appealed by the name 'The Hedley Variety' due to it's boring sounding nature.

Independent Leeds:

A publication and a website that discusses and promotes a variety of events and places in Leeds, and appeals to a large audience due to the large variety of content. The website is clean and easy to navigate, and the content varied, making it appealing and accessible to their large target audience. The publication they produce is in the same style, clean and simple, with the information and artwork being the main focus. The publication is also free, increasing the chance that it will reach an even wider audience. Independent Leeds is competition for the publication I am to design as it provides the target audience of young people and students with various information and many different bars and pubs, whereas the publication I am to design will only provide information about just one. However, the information within this publication will be far more in-depth and useful to the audience. This is because the information provided by Independent Leeds only goes to the extend of naming the place, their address and a little bit about them, whereas the publication I am to design will have significantly more information. What I will be designing will be competition for Independent Leeds also because the website does not mention 'Lloyds No.1 Bar' or 'The Hedley Variety' it any of it's articles, meaning that their audience reach does not go as far as people who attend and like this bar. The publication I will be designing will not only appeal to people who attend and like 'Lloyds no.1 Bar', but also other young people and students, who may have never been or heard about the bar, but will be able to become informed and possibly visit the bar after they've read the publication.

Leeds bars/pubs/clubs promotional materials:





The current promotional material for different bars/clubs in Leeds all have a similar design style. The posters are mostly utilising photography, bright colours, slogans, and a variety of fonts. The style of design is sometimes quite hectic and over-crowded, as if the poster is trying to communicate too much at one time. The combination of colours and multiple type usage also adds to this issue. Due to the audience being young people and students, it is understandable that the posters try to create an exciting and vibrant feel to reflect the atmosphere that may be inside the bar/club, however, from a communicative perspective, most of the posters do not present their information effectively due to the over-population of design features. The publication I am to design is also aimed at young people and students, as it meant to also promote a bar in Leeds. For this reason it would be expected that the design of the publication is similar to these above, however, from the brief handed to me and my own personal design perspective, the publication will be designed in a more modern and tasteful style. I will explore using some of the design features from these typical bar/club posters, such as bright colours, large text, photography and maybe even some of the layouts. However, I will certainly attempt to communicate the information in a far more sophisticated yet still energetic and exciting manner.

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