Thursday 12 October 2017

Research - The Hans Brinker Hotel

The Hans Brinker Hotel openly calls itself "The Worst Hotel in the World". This is most likely not true, however, it is the cheapest hotel in Amsterdam. Their self-mocking anti-advertisement strategy is quite well-known. Ad agency Kessels Krammer have been creating for them these posters.

The funny and ironic posters are purposefully designed to look bad and promote badly. This is a very effective technique as it draws people's attention, and also makes the advertisement memorable.
For my publication project, I believe a similar 'mockery' approach would be quite effective and interesting, as Lloyds No.1 Bar is a Weatherspoon, and Weatherspoon's have a unique reputation surrounding them of being cheap and somewhat cheesy, which I believe I could utilise to create a publication that would advertise in an unconventional way.  


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